(Updated 6-27-07)
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Suffering and what to do with it. Fr. Groeschel and Alice VonHildebrand. Programs with streaming video.
The Origin and Healing of Homosexual Attractions and Behaviors, from a spiritual and psychological viewpoint. Overview from a psychiatrist who has counseled many people.
CMA , applying Christ's principles of faith and morality to modern medical science and practice.
An Exorcists's Story
Vatican Exorcist Fr. Amorth criticizes church leaders for not taking devilish matters more seriously
the health page, ALCOHOLISM, "Seven Weeks to Sobriety" book, author Dr.
Joan Mathews Larson. Low blood sugar affects many alcoholics, so
controlling this with diet reduces their craving for alcohol.
Issues on new age theories, gnosticism, the occult, others.
Vatican exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth warns against Harry Potter.