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DIABETES (high blood sugar), HYPOGLYCEMIA (low blood sugar)

Dr. Whitaker products

  • Dr. Julian Whitaker, diabetes links

  • Trace mineral Vanadium may lower blood sugar.

  • Quotes: Under normal conditions, the body contains 20 to 25 mg. of vanadium, and the average diet supplies about 2 mg. of vanadium per day. Food sources rich in vanadium include pepper, dill, radishes, eggs, vegetable oils, buckwheat and oats. Because of their organic environment, these natural sources are likely to be safer than over the counter preparations.Vanadium or one of its derivatives may someday help improve blood sugar control in diabetes. But too many unknowns surround this mineral today."
  • Neuropathy, Alpha lipoic acid research.

  • Alpha lipoic acid, Linus Pauling Institute.

  • Alpha lipoic acid and gangrene, research.

  • Quotes from diabetes.org: "Magnesium is a mineral that helps the body break down carbohydrates and control insulin. It is found in many foods, including fish, milk, green leafy vegetables, nuts, whole-grain breads, and yogurt."

  • The Magnesium online library.



  • Is Gymnema safe? Some answers.

  • 3) Chromium - I don't know if it's safe to take this daily. It's a trace mineral. Full spectrum cinnamon capsules or regular cinnamon may help lower blood sugar.
    Chromium can be found in bananas, chicken and other foods, including mineralized water (not the distilled kind that takes it out. (Also, herbs including large amounts of cinnamon are not recommended for those who are pregnant. It's important to know the side effects of herbs and other things before you take them, and consult a doctor when needed.)

  • Chromium in food.

  • 4) Biotin (a B vitamin)

    5) Magnesium 200-400 mg. (This may be in some heart meds., and is also found in greens, grains, seafood and nuts. It also help the body utilize calcium better.)

    6) Zinc in low amounts. (This also helps regulate hormone production in the body.)

    7) Omega 3 fatty acids called EFA's which are essential fatty acids.

    EPA, DHA.

    Statistically 60% of Americans lack magnesium. 75% don't have the RDA of 15 mg. of zinc.

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  • Click here for search entries. Searched for "hypoglycemia symptoms", low blood sugar that can also happen to diabetics after they have taken insulin.
  • Click here to Diabetes info. from a gvt. site. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include

  • hunger
  • nervousness and shakiness
  • perspiration
  • dizziness or light-headedness
  • sleepiness
  • confusion
  • difficulty speaking
  • feeling anxious or weak

  • Hypoglycemia can also happen while you are sleeping. You might
  • cry out or have nightmares
  • find that your pajamas or sheets are damp from perspiration
  • feel tired, irritable, or confused when you wake up
  • Click here to Dr. Podell's site. This looks like a good one also, and mentions adrenal gland relation to this. These glands can also be affected when we are stressed out, so it could affect anyone with a high stress life. Adrenals can also possibly relate to allergies and asthma. They are small glands that sit on top of the kidneys and release certain hormones.

  • Click here to the Wrong Diagnosis site that will explain hypoglycemia symptoms